Android Parental Control



Bullying or bullying, unfortunately no longer stops in the classroom or in schools … Now because of new technologies overcomes any barrier and becomes more dangerous, cowardly and devastating. Cyberbullying is the most common form of harassment since bullies do not have to face and use a virtual space (cowards).

It is difficult to protect children if they do not understand the problems of cyberbullying. You need to know what happens to be able to find solutions. Parents have to realize when something is wrong, and above all, find a way to solve it, because bullying is never a ‘children’s thing’. On many occasions, parents are the last to know that there are problems because children do not tell, for fear of getting into more problems. Here we give you some practical advice so that parents, children and professionals of educational centers have the power to stop cyberbullying. Because the obligation to stop it, is everyone’s business.

Practical advice for parents to stop cyberbullying

  1. Keep mobile devices in common areas of the house, do not allow children to use it privately.
  2. Supervises the use of the Internet daily for that, you can use Android parental monitoring apps such as FamilyTime that not only empower parents to monitor but help them put internet filters too to keep kids safe.
  3. Learn to see social networks and get acquainted with those that your children visit.
  4. Become friends with your children in all social networks
  5. Speak regularly and specifically with your children about the use of the Internet and social networks. They should know that they can go in your search if they see that something is inappropriate, annoying or dangerous.
  6. Build a good confidence with your children. Set time limits, explain the reasons why you put the rules and discuss the rules of security and use of the Internet. Ask your child if he wants to contribute to the establishment of standards (thus, they will be more willing to follow them). Here again, FamilyTime app can help as it offers incredible features to regulate kids’ screen time.
  7. Warn your children that they should not respond to threats or comments they receive, but it is important that they do not delete those messages. It is necessary to print all messages and email addresses, as well as the names that appear on the screen of online stalkers. These messages are needed to verify and verify that there is harassment, and report if necessary.
  8. Do not blame your children, if they are being harassed they need support and understanding. You have to work together to find a solution. They are not to blame for being harassed.
  9. The emotional pain of bullying is very real and can have long-term effects, remember that they are not children’s things.
  10. Talk to the professionals at the school so they can check if there is any other type of harassment within the school to end it.
  11. If there are non-stop threats, physical violence or intimidation continues to increase, it is necessary to let the authorities know.
  12. Tell your kids not to respond to the messages of cyberbullies.
  13. Advise them not to be an accomplice by sending derogatory messages to other children.
  14. Save and print all messages as evidence and evidence of harassment.
  15. An adult should help immediately to solve the problem.

Use these simple tips and save your kids from cyberbullying. Happy parenting.

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